Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Date Mistakes Men Make That End In Heartbreak and How To Avoid Them

Written By Michael Webb

Let's face it ­­you never get a second chance to make a first impression! That's why, if you want to take things further with a woman, you need to show her your best on the very first date. And in actual fact, there are 5 things that men consistently do on first dates that totally destroy their chances of seeing the woman again, and the worst part is they think they're doing it right!
Avoid the following 5 mistakes to increase your chances of success on your first date:

Bringing chocolate or flowers on a first date isn't the best idea - especially if you've just met the woman! She's there to get to know YOU. Women are always asking themselves "what does THAT mean?" And in this case it's, "He bought me flowers because he likes me, but he doesn't even know anything about me yet! A little suspicious.

When in the presence of a potential date, men often become boring, instead of keeping up the friendly vibe they have with their friends. They won’t make jokes or laugh with the woman, they won’t play around like they do with their friends and they generally take things a little too seriously. Why do men change their behavior around women, often without even realizing they’re doing it? Because they fear losing their only chance with the girl of their dreams, they try and play the safe side, which results in a “Mr. Serious.”

When men become "Mr. Serious" they often fall into "job interview conversation mode." Make sure you reserve questions like, "So where do you work?" or "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" for the future, after you've already had a lot of fun and made the sparks fly. Instead, talk about your hobbies, interesting stories and fun stuff. Avoid anything too deep for a long period of time. On a first date, it can make things a little depressing. Talk like you've known each other for years (as if you don’t need to do the awkward 20-questions quiz.) Of course you can ask basic questions, but never make it the main focus of your date. Focus on fun.

Without realizing it, many guys turn their dates off by trying a little too hard. For example: Men will lean into a woman’s personal space, and ask, "so do you like me?" or constantly change his opinion to seek her approval and make her like him. Big mistake. Ironically, it's leaning back, staying cool and calm, being a little cheeky, interesting, mysterious and comfortable with yourself that actually gets a woman's attention and keeps her interested.

If your date finds the night boring, you're finished. When itcomes to having fun on first dates, nothing is more important than what you do. And while dinners and movies are nice, it's really hard to leave a great impression in these settings. Why? Because they set a very "proper tone" that's hard to turn into fun and playful. And unless you're a super funny, intelligent and interesting guy, dinner and movie dates just aren't the best place to take your date. Instead, go to fun places like mini-golf parks, carnivals, parks, or even better, come up with your own unique and fun ideas. So in essence, while there are many factors to having a successful date, a great date idea really helps you do many of them naturally! Remember, where you take a woman on a first date can be the difference between a great night and a dating disaster! Choose wisely!

About the author: OprahExpert Michael Webb is the author of 300 Creative Dates, a book jam-packed with unique ways to help leave a great first impression without breaking the bank! To learn more, visit: 300dates site.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

3 Ways To Re-Spark The Magic Back Into Your Relationship

Written By Michael Webb
Are you frustrated that your relationship doesn’t have the magic and romance that it once had? Feel like you're stuck in a rut and always doing the same things? You’re not alone. After dating someone for a long time, it's easy to slip into a stable and comfortable routine. However, you often lose the spark that made your relationship so special in the first place. Not to worry, here are three simple, fun and creative ways to reignite that magic:
1. GIVE THEM A UNIQUE GIFT Name a Star after your partner. A number of astronomical agencies allow individuals to name stars and you receive formal documentation identifying the star that you have named. Or how about this: Give your partner a magic gift box, and every month place a new small gift in the box for your beloved to discover.

2. SAY "I LOVE YOU" IN A UNIQUE WAY Take a book that your partner is reading and, using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she has yet to read to spell out a secret message of "I love you" or an entire love letter. Doing it just like this. Or for something really unique: You can buy special plants that grow and after 14 days display a message of your choice on the leaf. Cool or what!
3. START GOING ON DATES AGAIN One thing that separates couples with 'out of this world' relationships, is they never stop doing new, fun and exciting things with their partner. In other words, they never stop dating and neither should you. Spend the day doing fun things: go to the carnival, the beach, have a water fight, stare at the clouds on a grassy hill, go on a picnic, walk in the rain without raincoats and umbrellas, dress up in funny costumes and hit the town. Or how about this: Pick your partner up for a date and blindfold her before driving to a special destination. Try to make the destination something really unexpected like a table set up at the top of a cliff or a dinner on a boat or old-fashioned ship. It needs to be something that will have an impact when she removes the blindfold.
Believe me when I say that NOTHING can rekindle the love, passion and excitement in your relationship more than going on fun and creative dates together.
About the Author: Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 300 Creative Dates, a book jam-packed with ways to rekindle your relationship with creative and romantic outings, including including ideas for every day dates, long distance relationships, birthdays, anniversaries and more. To learn more, visit here.